Apama Documentation : Using Apama with Software AG Designer : Working with Projects : Viewing all EPL objects in all projects
Viewing all EPL objects in all projects
The EPL Objects view shows all the EPL objects - the Apama events, monitors and queries - defined in the projects in your Software AG Designer workspace. These objects are the events, monitors and queries that you define, as well the events and monitors defined in the Apama bundles that are included in your projects.
If the EPL Objects view is not displayed, from the Software AG Designer menu select Window > Show View > Other > Apama > EPL Objects.
When you double-click the name of an object in the EPL Objects view, the EPL file that defines the object appears.
The EPL Objects view organizes the display of EPL objects by project. You can display events, monitors, and/or queries. To specify what type of objects you want to display, click the View Menu icon on the view's title bar () and from the drop-down menu, select Customize View and then either Events, Monitors, Queries or Show All.
You can display the EPL objects in a project grouped by package name (Hierarchy).
You can also display the EPL objects in a project alphabetically (Flat).
To change the way the object names are displayed, click the View Menu icon on the view's title bar and from the drop-down menu, select Group By and then either Hierarchy or Flat.
You can also specify a regular expression in the text box to filter the EPL entries shown in the view. For example, entering *query in the text box results in showing only entries with "query" in their names.
Click on the Refresh icon () in the view's title bar to reload the entries in the EPL Objects view.
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