Apama Capital Markets Foundation Documentation : Capital Markets Foundation Guide : Samples : Installing and running samples
Installing and running samples
Before using the samples you must have installed the CMF.
To import samples into your workspace
1. If the Apama Developer perspective is not open, open it.
2. From the menu bar, select File > Import.
3. Select General > Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next.
4. For the Select root directory field, click Browse and navigate to one of the CMF sample directories:
*The %APAMA_FOUNDATION_HOME\samples folder contains general CMF samples.
*The %APAMA_FOUNDATION_HOME\ASB\samples folder contains adapter support bundle samples.
5. Select the top level folder and the wizard displays child sample folders. Uncheck any you do not want to import.
6. If you want to modify a sample and leave the original unchanged, click Copy projects into workspace.
7. Click Finish.
The samples are ready to run.
8. Run a sample in one of the following ways:
*From the Apama Developer perspective, right-click the project name and choose Run As > Apama Application.
*From the Apama Workbench perspective, choose a sample from the drop-down list of projects and click the Workbench button on the launch control panel.
The Basic and Advanced market data samples contain multiple run configurations, which you can select when launching.
9. To stop a sample:
a. Close the dashboard.
b. In the Console view, click the Terminate button (the red square).
A dialog asks whether you want to terminate all processes associated with the launch.
c. Click Yes.
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