Apama Documentation : Using Apama with Software AG Designer : Working with Projects : Deleting projects and resources : Deleting projects
Deleting projects
To delete a project
1. In the Project Explorer view or Workbench Project view, right-click the project and select Delete from the pop-up menu or select the resource and select Edit > Delete from the menu. In the Workbench Project view you can select the resource and click the Delete button.
2. In the Confirm Project Delete dialog select whether or not you want to delete all the project's resources from the file system, or simply remove the project from the Project view leaving all files in place. After selecting the latter option, such projects can be added to the workspace again using the Import wizard (see Importing projects). In most cases it is more useful to select the option to delete the project's contents at the same time as the project itself, to avoid confusion.
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