Apama Documentation : Deploying and Managing Apama Applications : Correlator Utilities Reference : Using the command-line debugger : Controlling execution with the command-line debugger
Controlling execution with the command-line debugger
The wait command
When the correlator stops at a breakpoint, you can use the debugger to step over the next line:
engine_debug stepover
However, you most likely want to step over the line, confirm that the correlator stopped, and learn about the current state of the debugger. You can do this by entering multiple commands in one line. For example:
engine_debug stepover wait --timeout 10 status
This is the equivalent of the following three commands:
*engine_debug stepover — Causes the debugger to step over one line of EPL.
*engine_debug wait --timeout 10 — Causes the debugger to pause until either a breakpoint is hit, or ten seconds pass.
*engine_debug status — Displays the debugger's current status.
Following are more examples of entering multiple commands in one line.
engine_debug stepinto wait --timeout 10 status
engine_debug stepout wait --timeout 10 status
To instruct the correlator to continue executing EPL code, run the following command:
engine_debug run
You use the engine_debug run command regardless of how the correlator was stopped — a breakpoint was reached, a step operation, a wait command.
To stop the correlator, enter the following command:
engine_debug stop
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