Apama Documentation : Building and Using Dashboards : Building Dashboard Clients : Using SQL Data : Specifying application options : Entering database information directory into OPTIONS.ini
Entering database information directory into OPTIONS.ini
Generating encrypted passwords for SQL data sources
To add an SQL database by entering information directly into OPTIONS.ini (instead of using the Add Database dialog—see Adding a Database), add a line of text of the following form:
sqldb databaseName username password jdbcUrl jdbcClassName tableTypes
useClientCredentials-boolean runQueriesConcurrently-boolean
You must supply all fields. Use “-” for fields that do not have a value.
Following is an example:
sqldb myDatabase - - - - - false false
In the example above, the databaseName is myDatabase, and both useClientCredentials and runQueriesConcurrently are false. All other fields are not specified.
For JDBC databases jdbcUrl and jdbcClassName must be set.
See also Generating encrypted passwords for SQL data sources.
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