Apama Documentation : Building and Using Dashboards : Dashboard Function Reference : Tabular Functions : Group By Time
Group By Time
Returns a table that contains a summary of all the data in a given table, aggregated over time. The summary data in the returned table is grouped into a specified number of specified time intervals over a specified time range.
The function has the following arguments:
*Table: Table whose data is to be summarized.
*Group Type: Text string that specifies the type of aggregation to perform. Enter one or more of the following: sum, count, average, min, max. The default is sum. For multiple group types, use a semicolon-separated list and set Use Column Names to 0.
*Date/Time Column Name: Text string that specifies a column of Table that contains a timestamp. If this argument is not supplied, the first column of Table is assumed to contain a timestamp.
*Date Part: Text string that specifies the date unit to use. Enter s, m, h, d, w, M, q, or y, for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, or years. The default unit is seconds.
*Date Parts Per Interval: Numerical value that specifies he size of each interval in Date Parts.
*Number Of Intervals: Numerical value that specifies the number of intervals to include in the summary table. The returned table contains one row for each interval. If set to 0, the number of intervals is determined from the range of data in Table, or by the specified time range.
*Time Range Start: Text string that specifies the start of the desired time range. If this argument is not supplied, the time range is unbounded at the lower end.
*Time Range End: Text string that specifies the end of the desired time range. The time range itself does not include this value, but does include a value that is one second less than Time Range End. If this argument is not supplied, the time range is unbounded at the upper end.
*Restrict To Time Range: Numerical value (0 or 1) that determines whether Time Range Start and Time Range End are ignored. If set to 1, the resulting summary table includes only those time intervals within the specified range. If set to 0, the specified time range is ignored.
*Use Column Names: Numerical value (0 or 1) that determines whether original column names are retained in the returned table. If Use Column Names is set to 1, original column names are retained. If set to 0, columns are given generic names. Set this to 0 if you specify multiple groups types.
This function returns a table.
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