Apama Documentation : Installing Apama : Installing Apama : Installing Apama Using Command Central
Installing Apama Using Command Central
You can provision new and update existing Apama environments using Command Central. You can do this on any machine on which the Platform Manager is running. You can then invoke the Software AG Installer or Software AG Update Manager directly from Command Central and do silent installations and uninstallations of the Apama product and its product fixes.
This topic just provides a brief overview of how to install Apama using Command Central. For detailed information, see the Command Central documentation at http://documentation.softwareag.com/ (Empower login required). You can find it under Guides for Tools Shared by Software AG Products.
If you want to install Apama using Command Central, proceed as follows:
1. Install a Command Central server.
The default credentials for a new installation are "Administrator" for the user name and "manage" for the password.
2. Install the Platform Manager on any machine on which you want to install Apama.
3. Ensure that the Command Central service has been started.
4. Configure a repository for the Apama product (using either the web user interface or the cc command line interface). To do so, you can either use your Empower credentials or a locally generated image.
5. Install Apama using template-based provisioning (see the Command Central documentation for details) or using a command line such as the following:
cc exec provisioning products nodeAlias repoName install artifacts=productId
nodeAlias is the alias of the target node on which you want to install Apama, for example, "local".
repoName is the name of the product repository from which to install Apama, for example, "webMethods-X.Y".
artifacts=productId specifies the parts of the Apama product that you want to install. Available product IDs for Apama are (you separate them using commas):
This product ID
installs the following
Apama Server
Dashboard Viewer
Software AG Designer with the Apama Development Environment
Platform Manager Plug-in. This Apama plug-in for Command Central's Platform Manager is required if you want to use Command Central to start, stop and configure Apama components on the current machine.
See also Running the Software AG Installer.
You can use the cc list jobmanager jobs command to monitor the progress of the provisioning job.
The Command Central installation uses the default location of the Apama work directory. On Windows, this is in the all-users %PUBLIC% directory (for example, C:\Users\Public\SoftwareAG\ApamaWork_n.n) and on UNIX this is ~/softwareag/apamawork_n.n.
Command Central, however, uses the alternative location of the Apama license file in the installation directory. The Command Central installation will not copy in a license file by default. You must do this manually after the installation, or by creating a composite template definition that copies the license file to Apama/etc/ApamaServerLicense.xml (see the Command Central documentation for details and examples).
6. Install all available Apama fixes in the repository by using the following command:
cc exec provisioning fixes nodeAlias Empower install
where "Empower" is a fix repository name, and products= specifies the list of products to be updated (these are the same product IDs as for the other cc command that is described above).
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