Apama Documentation : Deploying and Managing Apama Applications : Overview of Deploying Apama Applications : About deploying components with Command Central : Getting started with Command Central
Getting started with Command Central
Ensure you have installed both Apama Server (PAMServer) and Apama Platform Manager Plug-in (PAMspm) on every machine on which you wish to start Apama components, and have also installed the Command Central server on at least one machine. For more information, see "Installing Apama Using Command Central" in Installing Apama.
*Perform any required post installation tasks as described in "Performing Post Installation Configuration" section in Software AG Command Central Help.
*Optional. Define environment variables so that you can invoke Command Central and Platform Manager commands from any location on the machine. To do so:
1. Set the CC_CLI_HOME environment variable to the following directory: Software AG_directory\CommandCentral\client.
*Windows:  set CC_CLI_HOME=C:\SoftwareAG\CommandCentral\client
*UNIX:  export CC_CLI_HOME="/opt/SoftwareAG/CommandCentral/client"
2. Add $CC_CLI_HOME/bin to the PATH environment variable.
*Windows:  set PATH=%PATH%;%CC_CLI_HOME%\bin
*UNIX:  export PATH="$PATH:$CC_CLI_HOME/bin"
*Define CC_USERNAME and CC_PASSWORD environment variables to a user name and password. The default username is Administrator and password is manage.
*Windows:  set CC_USERNAME=Administrator
*Windows: set CC_PASSWORD=manage
*UNIX:  export CC_USERNAME="Administrator"
*UNIX:  export CC_PASSWORD="manage"
*Open command prompt. Change the directory to Software AG_directory\CommandCentral\client\bin (you do not have to change the directory if you have defined CC_CLI_HOME environment variable). The bin folder contains all the executable files for the Command Central commands.
You can create and delete Apama component instances using the command line interface only.
*Most tasks can be performed using the Command Central web interface or command line interface. However, tasks such as instance creation and deletion can only be performed using the command line tool. For more information about using the Command Central command line interface and web user interface, see "Understanding Command Central" in Software AG Command Central Help.
The following examples illustrate how the Command Central command line interface can be used to perform some of the most common operations for Apama component instances. These examples assume that you have set the CC_PASSWORD environment variable and you are running the command line tool on the machine where Command Central is installed, and configuring the components to run on the Platform Manager node with the default node alias of local.
In the following example commands, <nodeAlias> is local.
runtimeComponentID is the ID of an instance in the format Apama-ComponentType-InstanceName, where
*ComponentType is one of the supported Apama components correlator, iaf, displayserver, or dataserver.
*myCorrelator, myIAFmyDisplayServer, and myDataServer are the InstanceName when the instance was created.
configurationTypeId is one of the supported configuration types:
*Creating and deleting Apama component instances. These operations can be performed using the command line interface only.
*To create an instance of correlator:
cc create instances local PAMServer
instance.name=myCorrelator instance.type=correlator instance.port=15993
*To create an instance of IAF:
cc create instances local PAMServer instance.name=myIAF
instance.type=iaf instance.port=15993 iafConfigFile=iaf-config.xml
*To create an instance of Display Server:
cc create instances local PAMServer instance.name=myDisplayServer
instance.type=displayserver dataPort=3279
*To create an instance of Data Server:
cc create instances local PAMServer instance.name=myDataServer
instance.type=dataserver dataPort=3278
*To delete an instance of correlator:
cc delete instances local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
After an instance is created, the instance is referred to in the other commands by the component identifier Apama-instance.type-instance.name.
*Starting, stopping, and restarting Apama component instances. These operations can be performed using the web interface and the command line interface.
*To start an Apama component:
cc exec lifecycle start local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
*To stop an Apama component:
cc exec lifecycle stop local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
*To restart an Apama component:
cc exec lifecycle restart local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
*Configuring Apama component instances. This operation can be performed using the web interface and the command line interface. You can use the following command to configure an Apama component instance:
cc update configuration data <nodeAlias>
<runtimeComponentId> <configurationInstanceId> -i <Propertiesfile>
The format of the properties file is provided below after the example commands.
Use cc get configuration instances command to retrieve information about an instance such as the instance ID, the display name for an instance, and the description for an instance. For example, the following command displays the information of a correlator instance.
cc get configuration instances local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
Apama supports the following configuration types:
*To update APAMA-ARGS configuration type for runtime correlator instance:
cc update configuration data local
Apama-correlator-myCorrelator APAMA-ARGS -i C:\args_data.properties
*To update APAMA-ARGS configuration type for runtime IAF instance:
cc update configuration data local
Apama-iaf-myIAF APAMA-ARGS -i C:\args_data.properties
*To update APAMA-ARGS configuration type for runtime Display Server instance:
cc update configuration data local
Apama-displayserver-myDisplayServer APAMA-ARGS -i
*To update APAMA-ARGS configuration type for runtime Data Server instance:
cc update configuration data local
Apama-dataserver-myDataServer APAMA-ARGS -i C:\args_data.properties
Example format of a properties file for correlator:

extraArgs= -V DEBUG
Example format of a properties file for IAF:

extraArgs= -v INFO
iafConfigFile= C:\iaf-config.xml
Example format of a properties file for Display Server:

extraArgs= -v INFO
Example format of a properties file for a Data Server:

extraArgs= -v INFO
*To update port configuration for correlator instance:
cc update configuration data local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
COMMON-PORTS-port -i Correlator.xml
*To update port configuration for IAF instance:
cc update configuration data local Apama-iaf-myIAF
COMMON-PORTS-port -i IAF.xml
*To update data port configuration for Display Server instance:
cc update configuration data local Apama-displayserver-myDisplayServer
COMMON-PORTS-dataPort -i DataPort_displayServer.xml
*To update management port configuration for Display Server instance:
cc update configuration data local Apama-displayserver-myDisplayServer
COMMON-PORTS-managementPort -i ManagementPort_displayServer.xml
*To update data port configuration for Data Server instance:
cc update configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
COMMON-PORTS-dataPort -i DataPort_dataServer.xml
*To update management port configuration for Data Server instance:
cc update configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
COMMON-PORTS-managementPort -i ManagementPort_dataServer.xml
Example format of XML file for IAF and correlator for the instance ID COMMON-PORTS-port:
<Port alias="port">
Example format of XML file for dashboard management port with the instance ID COMMON-PORTS-managementPort:
<Port alias="managementPort">
Example format of XML file for dashboard data port with the instance ID COMMON-PORTS-dataPort:
<Port alias="dataPort">
*To specify the license key file for a correlator instance:
cc update configuration license local Apama-correlator-Correlator1
COMMON-LICENSE-PAMServer-correlator-Correlator1 CorrelatorLicenseAlias
In the above example, CorrelatorLicenseAlias is the alias to the license key file.
Applies only to Apama correlator instances. This configuration type contains the location of the license key file. After you set the license key file using COMMON-LICENSE configuration type, the license key file information will be available at APAMA_HOME/command-central/instances/correlator/<instancename>/ApamaCorrelatorLicense.xml. This license key location is stored in COMMON-LICLOC configuration type.
COMMON-LICLOC configuration type cannot be updated.
*To define environment variables for correlator instance :
cc update configuration data local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
APAMA-ENVVAR -i Correlator.properties
*To define environment variables for IAF instance:
cc update configuration data local Apama-iaf-myIAF
APAMA-ENVVAR -i IAF.properties
Example format of defining environment variables in a properties file:

*To update the memory settings of a Display Server:
cc update configuration data local Apama-displayserver-myDisplayServer
COMMON-MEMORY --input C:\MemoryConfiguration.xml
*To update the memory settings of a Data Server:
cc update configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
COMMON-MEMORY --input C:\MemoryConfiguration.xml
Example format of the XML file MemoryConfiguration.xml:
<Property name="-XX:MaxPermSize">128M</Property>
<Property name="-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize">1G</Property>
<Property name="-DProperty1">Value1</Property>
*To fetch the memory settings of a Display Server:
cc get configuration data local Apama-displayserver-myDisplayServer
*To fetch the memory settings of a Data Server:
cc get configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
*To create the endpoints configuration for a Display Server instance:
cc create configuration data local Apama-displayServer-myDisplayServer
COMMON-COMPONENT-ENDPOINTS -i AddDisplayServerEndpoint.xml
*To update the endpoints configuration for a Display Server instance for type correlator:
cc update configuration data local Apama-displayServer-myDisplayServer
-i UpdateDisplayServerEndpoint.xml
*To update the endpoints configuration for a Display Server instance for type dataserver:
cc update configuration data local Apama-displayServer-myDisplayServer
-i UpdateDisplayServerEndpoint.xml
*To delete the endpoints configuration for a Display Server instance for type correlator:
cc delete configuration data local Apama-displayServer-myDisplayServer
*To delete the endpoints configuration for a Display Server instance for type dataserver:
cc delete configuration data local Apama-displayServer-myDisplayServer
*To create the endpoints configuration for a Data Server instance:
cc create configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
*To update the endpoints configuration for a Data Server instance for type correlator:
cc update configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
-i UpdateDataServerEndpoint.xml
*To update the endpoints configuration for a Data Server instance for type dataserver:
cc update configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
-i UpdateDataServerEndpoint.xml
*To delete the endpoints configuration for a Data Server instance type correlator:
cc delete configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
*To delete the endpoints configuration for a Data Server instance type dataserver:
cc delete configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
Example format of the XML file for correlator for the instance ID COMMON-COMPONENT-ENDPOINTS-correlator-alias1:
<Endpoint alias="alias1">
<Property name="isRaw">true</Property>
<Property name="type">correlator</Property>
Example format of the XML file for Data Server for the instance ID COMMON-COMPONENT-ENDPOINTS-dataserver-alias1:
<Endpoint alias="alias1">
<Property name="type">dataserver</Property>
*Viewing log files. You can view the log files of Apama component instances in the Command Central web interface and command line interface.
*To list the log files of a correlator instance:
cc list diagnostics logs local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
*To retrieve log entries from a log file of a correlator instance:
cc get diagnostics logs local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
*To export log files of a correlator instance:
cc get diagnostics logs local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
Correlator.err+Correlator.out export -o CorrelatorLog.zip
*Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for correlator. You can view basic KPIs for each correlator instance that is online.
*To view KPIs in command line interface, use the command:
cc get monitoring runtimestate local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
For information about all the properties and supported configuration types, see "Administering Apama" in Software AG Command Central Help.
For information about all the options for cc command, see "Options for the Commands" in Software AG Command Central Help.
For more information, see Software AG Command Central Help.
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