Task | Key | Description |
Add action | + | Inserts a new placeholder for an action statement below the condition or action that contains the selected element. |
Delete action | - | Deletes the action statement that contains the selected element(s). |
Display menu | Insert or Menu key | Displays the context menu for the selected element. |
Edit literal | F2 or Enter | Displays a dialog in which you can edit the selected literal value. |
Move to next rule | Page Down | Selects the first element in the next rule. If the focus is on the last rule, the focus stays where it is. If the focus is on a global rule, pressing this key selects the first element in the next global rule. If the focus is on the last global rule, pressing this key does not select the first element in the first local rule. The focus stays where it is. Note: if you selected the whole rule, so that the red, rectangular outline appears around it, pressing Page Down does nothing. |
Move to previous rule | Page Up | Selects the first element in the previous rule. If the focus is on the first rule, the focus stays where it is. If the focus is on a local rule, pressing this key selects the first element in the previous local rule. If the focus is on the first local rule, pressing this key does not move to the last global rule. The focus stays where it is. Note: if you selected the whole rule, so that the red, rectangular outline appears around it, pressing Page Up does nothing. |
Move to next element | Selects the next element in the statement. If the last element is already selected, pressing the left arrow key does nothing. | |
Move to previous element | Selects the previous element in the statement. If the first element is already selected, pressing the right-arrow does nothing. | |
Move to next statement | Selects the first element in the next condition or action statement. If the selected element is in the last global or local action statement, pressing this key does nothing. | |
Move to previous statement | Selects the first element in the previous condition or action statement. If the selected element is in the first global or local condition, pressing this key does nothing. | |
Revert to top | Delete | Resets the selected element or elements as far back before any changes as possible. |
Revert selection | Backspace | Resets the selected element or elements to its (their) previous value. |
Select first element | Home | Selects the first element in the condition or action statement in which you had selected an element. |
Select last element | End | Selects the last element in the condition or action statement in which you had selected an element. |
Select multiple elements | Shift + | Adds one or more subsequent elements to the selection. Event Modeler examines each subsequent element in order until it enlarges the selection to a set of elements that can be replaced as a unit. This might mean that only the next element is added to the selection, or that multiple subsequent elements are added. |
Shift + | Adds one or more previous elements to the selection. Event Modeler examines each previous element in order until it enlarges the selection to a set of elements that can be replaced as a unit. This might mean that only the previous element is added to the selection, or that multiple previous elements are added. |