Creating new query files
Apama queries are useful when you want to monitor incoming events that provide information updates about a very large set of real-world entities such as credit cards, bank accounts, cell phones. Typically, you want to independently examine the set of events associated with each entity, that is, all events related to a particular credit card account, bank account, or cell phone. A query application operates on a huge number of independent sets with a relatively small number of events in each set.
To add a query file to a project:
1. In Project Explorer, right-click the project you want to add a query to and select New > Query File.
2. In the New Query File dialog, the Containing folder field shows the name of the project you selected. Accept this or enter the name of the project you want to add the query to.
3. In the File name field, enter a name for the query file.
4. In the Package field, you can optionally specify the EPL package that contains this query. If you do not specify a package then the query file is in the default package, which contains EPL files that do not specify a package name.
Apama Studio adds the new query file to the project's
queries folder and opens the new query in the
Design tab of the Query Designer. See
Using Query Designer.