Obtaining context references
To obtain a reference to the context that a piece of code is running in, call the context.current() method. This is a static method that returns a context object that is a reference to the current context. The current context is the context that contains the EPL that calls this method.
For a monitor instance to interact with the EPL by means of a context object in another context, the monitor instance must have a reference to that context. A monitor instance can obtain a reference to another context in only the following ways:
By creating the context.
By receiving a context reference, which must be of type
context. A monitor instance can receive this reference by means of a routed or sent event, or a spawn operation.
For example:
Calculate calc;
on all Calculate():calc {
integer calcId:=integer.getUnique();
spawn doCalculation(calc, calcId, context.current())
to context(“Calculation”);
do something
action doCalculation(Calculate req, integer id, context caller) {
do something
send CalculationResponse(id, value) to caller;
If a monitor instance that creates a context does not send a context reference outside itself, and does not subscribe to any channels, no other context can send events to that context, except by means of correlator plug-ins. This affords some degree of privacy for the context.
A context object (a context reference) does not do anything. It is simply the target of the following:
spawn ActionIdentifier([ArgumentList]) to ContextExpression; send EventExpression to ContextExpression;