Specifying Apama events for mapping
After you specify the Web Service operation your application will invoke, you need to indicate the Apama events with which your application will interact with the messages used by the Web Service operation.
For each operation that you add:
You must specify an input event. You will map the fields in this input event to the parameters in the input message required to invoke the operation. An Apama application sends an input event to invoke a Web Service operation. You can add the same operation to the adapter more than once. Each time you add the same operation you can specify a different input event or the same input event.
You can optionally specify output events. If you specify output events, you will map the parameters of the Web Service operation response message to the fields of the events. An Apama application receives an output event when a Web Service sends a response message as the result of an operation request.
You can optionally specify fault events. If you specify fault events, you will map the parameters of the error message the Web Service might send to the fields of the events. An Apama application receives a fault event if there is an error during invocation of a Web Service operation.
To specify Apama events for mapping:
1. In the Web Service Configuration dialog, to the right of the Input Event field, click the Browse button. This displays the Event Type Selection dialog. a. In the Event Type Selection dialog‘s Event Type Selection field, enter the name of the event. As you type, event types that match what you enter are shown in the Matching Items list.
b. In the Matching Items list, select the name of the event type you want to use as the Input Event. The name of the EPL file that defines the selected event is displayed in the status area at the bottom of the dialog.
c. Click OK. The Web Service Configuration dialog is again displayed, showing the event you selected in the Input Event field
2. If your application will use output messages or fault messages from the Web Service, specify the Apama events that will be associated with those message types in the Output Event and Fault Event fields of the Web Service Configuration dialog. For output and fault messages, you can add multiple Apama event types to those fields by selecting the event type and clicking Add.
3. In the Web Service Configuration dialog, click OK. Information about the specified Web Service operations and the associated Apama events is displayed in the Operations section of the adapter editor. In the Mapping Definitions section, the editor displays an Input tab and, if you have specified output events or fault events, Output or Fault tabs.