Function name | Return value | Parameters | Description |
ADD_DAYS | float | float dateTime float nrDays | Given a date plus a number of days, returns the result date in seconds since the epoch. |
ADD_HOURS | float | float dateTime float nrHours | Given a date plus a number of hours, returns the result date in seconds since the epoch. |
ADD_MINUTES | float | float dateTime float nrMins | Given a date plus a number of minutes, returns the result date in seconds since the epoch. |
ADD_MONTHS | float | float dateTime float nrMonths | Given a date plus a number of months, returns the result date in seconds since the epoch. |
ADD_WEEKS | float | float dateTime float nrWeeks | Given a date plus a number of weeks, returns the result date in seconds since the epoch. |
ADD_YEARS | float | float dateTime float nrYears | Given a date plus a number of years, returns the result date in seconds since the epoch. |
FORMAT_TIME | string | float TimeInSeconds string TimeFormat | Returns the specified time and date in a formatted string. For example: FORMAT_TIME(GET_CURRENT_TIME(), "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") For format options, see Using the Time Format plug-in in Developing Apama Applicatons in EPL. |
GET_CURRENT_DATE | string | none | Returns the current date in a formatted string. For example, "11 June 2007". |
GET_CURRENT_DATE _TIME | string | none | Returns the current date and time in a formatted string. For example, "11 June 2007 11:10:23". |
GET_CURRENT_TIME | string | none | Returns the current time in a formatted string. For example, "11:10:25". |
GET_CURRENT_TIME _AS_NUMBER | float | none | Returns the current time as a number of seconds since the epoch, January 1, 1970. |
GET_CURRENT_TIME _FORMATTED | string | string TimeFormat | Returns the current time and date in a formatted string. For format options, see Using the Time Format plug-in in Developing Apama Applicatons in EPL. |
GET_DAY_IN_WEEK | float | float dateTime | Returns the day of the week for the given date. |
GET_DAY_IN_YEAR | float | float dateTime | Returns the day in the year for the given date. |
GET_MONTH_IN_YEAR | float | float dateTime | Returns the month in the year for the given date. |
GET_WEEK_IN_MONTH | float | float dateTime | Returns the week in the month for the given date. |
GET_WEEK_IN_YEAR | float | float dateTime | Returns the week in the year for the given date. |
IS_LEAP_YEAR | boolean | float year | Returns true if the given year is a leap year. |
PARSE_TIME | float | string TimeDate string TimeFormat | Returns the specified time and date in a numeric format. For example: PARSE_TIME (GET_CURRENT_TIME(), "H:m:s") For format options, see Using the Time Format plug-in in Developing Apama Applicatons in EPL. |