Deploying and Managing Apama Applications > Managing the Dashboard Data Server and Display Server > Managing and stopping the Data Server and Display Server > Options
The tool dashboard_management.exe (on Windows) or dashboard_management (on UNIX) takes a number of command line options. These are:
dashboard_management options
-a | --alias alias
Use the alias alias in order to sign the .jar files to be included in the deployment package specified by the -y or --deploy option and the -c or --config option. Specify the keystore and password with the -k or --keystoreFile option and the -o or --password option.
-c | --config
Generate a deployment package for the configuration named config-name. Specify the file that defines the configuration with the -y or --deploy option. Specify the .rtv files to use with the -r or --rtvPath option.
-D | --displayServer
Run against Display Server
-d | --deepping
Deep-ping the component.
-e | --encryptString password
Generate an encrypted version of password. This is useful when you manually add an SQL data source by entering information directly into OPTIONS.ini.
-h | --help
Display usage information.
-I | --invalidateAll
Invalidate all user authentications.
-i | --invalidateUser username
Invalidate a user authentication.
-j | --jar jar file
Name of a third-party jar file to sign. You can specify multiple -j | --jar arguments if you have multiple jar files to sign.
-k | --keystoreFile path
Use the keystore file designated by path in order to sign the .jar files to be included in the deployment package specified by the -y or --deploy option and the -c or --config option. Specify the alias and password with -a or --alias option and the -o or --password option. Ensure that the environment variable JAVA_HOME is set to a Java Development Kit (JDK).
-n | --hostname host
Connect to component on host. If not specified, localhost is used.
-N | --namedServerMode
-p | --password password
Use the password password in order to sign the .jar files to be included in the deployment package specified by the -y or --deploy option and the -c or --config option. Specify the keystore and alias with the -k or --keystoreFile option and the -a or --alias option.
-p | --port port
Connect to component on port. Specify the port that was specified with the -p or --port option when the component was started. If the -p or --port option was not specified, you do not need to supply this option. It defaults to the default management port (28888).
-r | --rtvPath path
Generate a deployment package with the .rtv files in the directory designated by path. Specify the deployment configuration to use with the -y or --deploy option and the -r or --rtvPath option.
-s | --shutdown reason
Shut down the component with reason reason.
-U | --update path
Update the specified Release 2.4 .rtv file or files so that they are appropriate for use with this Apama release. path is the pathname of a file or directory. If path specifies a directory, all .rtv files in the directory are updated.
-v | --verbose
Emit verbose output, including the startup settings (such as dataPort and updateRate) of the dashboard server connect to.
-V | --version
Display program name and version number and then exit.
-W | --waitFor
Wait for component to be available.
-y | --deploy path
Generate a deployment package for a configuration defined in the dashboard configuration file designated by path. Specify the configuration name with the -c or --config option. Specify the .rtv files to use with the -r or --rtvPath option.
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