List of EPL keywords
The table below lists the reserved words called keywords. EPL keywords are case sensitive. You cannot use keywords as identifiers in EPL programs unless you prefix them with a hash symbol (#). Some keywords are flagged with an asterisk (*). You can safely use these keywords outside the scope of a stream query. Inside a stream query, you cannot use these keywords as identifiers unless you prefix them with a hash symbol (#). See
Escaping keywords to use them as identifiers.
EPL keywords
action | aggregate | all | and |
as | at | boolean | bounded |
break | by * | call | catch |
chunk | completed | constant | context |
continue | currentTime | decimal | dictionary |
die | else | emit | enqueue |
event | every * | false | float |
for | from | group * | having * |
if | import | in | integer |
join * | largest * | location | log |
monitor | new | not | on |
optional | or | package | partition * |
persistent | print | retain * | return |
returns | route | rstream * | select * |
send | sequence | smallest * | spawn |
static | stream | streamsource | string |
then | throw | to | true |
try | unbounded | unique * | unmatched |
using | wait | where * | while |
wildcard | with * | within | xor |
Some reserved keywords are actually operators. Nevertheless, the restriction still applies. Some Apama tools, such as the Event Modeler, generate code based on EPL and in such code there might be symbols that resemble identifiers but contain hash (#) characters, which are not allowed in identifiers. These "identifiers" are placeholders that are later replaced with valid identifiers that do not contain the hash character.
The string join() method is still supported. That is, you can still use the following and you do not receive a warning: string.join(). Also, note that the join keyword has a query scope and join is also a reserved word for use outside queries in a future release.
Note that ondie, onload, and onunload are not reserved keywords. They are the names of special actions. While you can use "ondie", "onload", and "onunload" as identifiers, doing so is not recommended.