Changes to engine_send
In the Apama 5.0 release the performance of engine_send has been improved to make it more suitable for performance benchmarks. In order to facilitate this a couple of features have been removed.
--doNotBatch | -d
This argument has been removed from engine_send. Now all event files will be automatically batched by engine_send.
BATCH tags
BATCH tags without timestamps are now ignored by engine_send. Batching will be performed by engine_send and the client library. BATCH tags with timestamps still behave the same. All events in the previous batch will be flushed followed by a sleep until the next batch time.
Multi-line, ml-style comments removed
To simplify parsing of the event file in engine_send /* ... */ comments are no longer supported in event files. This change is in order to improve the performance of engine_send.
Comments may still be added as single-line comments with // or # comments. When editing event files in Apama Studio, multiple lines can be commented out using the 'Toggle Comment' action, which will prepend every line with //.
When using engine_send, remember to use utf8 input files and to send them with no conversion (using the -u or --utf8 flags).