The C Client Software Development Kit
This topic explores the C version of the Client Software Development Kit. There may be several reasons for wishing to integrate with the event correlator using C instead of C++ or Java, not least if greater flexibility is required with regards to which compilers one needs to work with. The C standard has been mature for considerably longer than C++ so it should be possible to develop, compile and link against the C development kit with a large variety of C compilers and libraries.
Note: Due to the fact that the underlying Apama libraries are built with and include C++ code, you still need to link against the standard C++ library. Failure to do this might result in your clients failing immediately upon startup.
Whereas the SDKs for C++ and for Java are packaged through a set of classes that model a set of entities, the C SDK consists of a set of functions organized within structures. The function names are similar to the method names used within the classes. The structures are largely organized to resemble the C++ classes.