Logging in C++
The C++ (and C) SDK can output extensive logging information. This information can be useful in diagnosing connectivity issues or problems that one may encounter when writing software that interfaces with the correlator.
The author of a C++ client need not bother with the standard logging unless they want to modify its operating parameters.
By default, the log level is set to WARN, where only significant warnings and errors are displayed in the log. The whole list of log levels is OFF (i.e. no logging at all), CRIT, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG and TRACE. These levels are listed in order of decreasing importance, and conversely in the order of least likely occurrence. A very large volume of information is output at DEBUG level.
To change the logging, three functions are provided in the C++ SDK;
com::apama::setLogLevel() Sets the level at which the client library will log information.
com::apama::setLogFile() Sets the file to which the client library should log information.
com::apama::setLogFD() Sets the file descriptor to which the client library should log information.
For information on the complete signatures for these functions, see
The C++ header file.