Specifying actions
The second important part of a rule is its action part.
The action part of a rule is denoted by Then and consists of a number of action statements and a state transition statement.
When a rule is first created it has no action statements set.
The state transition statement
The state transition statement, already introduced elsewhere, specifies whether scenario execution should transit to another state if the rule’s condition is true and once its actions are fully executed.
It can be continue, the default setting, which specifies that no transition is to occur, or be move to state [a state].
You can modify the state transition statement by pointing to it and right-clicking. A pop-up menu will appear listing all the possible settings for the statement.
If you select any of the states, the state transition arrow will be set to move to state [that_state]. A corresponding transition will also appear in the Event Flow panel.
If a state transition starts and ends within the same state, a transition will still be added from that state to itself in the Event Flow panel. If you ensure that the rule is highlighted, the transition will be highlighted as well, and you will then be able to change its connectors and turn it into a curve. This will make it more visible.
Note that if you click on the state transition statement, i.e. with the left mouse button, and it is set to move to state [a_state], you will be taken to that state. That is, the target state will be selected in the Event Flow panel, and the Rules panel will change to show the rules of that state.