Additional steps for display server deployments
For thin client deployments you need to provide the Apama dashboard display server with access to the resources used by the dashboard. When the display server builds the displays for users, it requires the .rtv files, images, and other files used by the dashboards.
For Display Server deployments, copy your project's dashboard directory (the directory that contains the project's .rtv files) to the system on which you want to deploy. The Display Server looks for the dashboard directory in its current directory, so when you start the Display Server, start it so that its current directory is the directory on the deployment system that contains the dashboard project directory.
You need to copy the dashboard project directory, as well as its contents. So, for example, if your dashboard files on the development system are apama-work/dashboards/MyProject/*.rtv, they might be located here on the deployment machine:
In this case, run the Display Server from deploy-dir, the parent of the dashboard project directory. Do not run the Display Server from the directory MyProject.
Note that the Dashboard Deployment Configuration Editor automatically copies a project's dashboard files to a directory named after the project under the APAMA_WORK\dashboards folder. By default, the display_server process will be running in the APAMA_WORK\dashboards directory so the project files will be picked up automatically.