Developing Apama Applications > Dashboard Property Reference for Graphs, Tables, and Trends > Trend Objects > Stock charts
Stock charts
Stock charts visualize live and historical data related to financial instrument trades. They can include overlays that allow the display of data from multiple instruments or the display of periodic events such as stock splits and earnings announcements.
Each plotted point on a stock chart encapsulates four pieces of quantitative information for a particular instrument and time period: opening value, high value, low value, and closing value. Each chart visualizes tabular data that includes a time-valued column as well four numerical columns (for opening, high, low, and closing values).
Use the priceTraceCurrentTable and priceTraceHistoryTable properties to attach data to a stock chart. Use the timeRangeMode property to specify the duration of the time period represented by each plotted point.
Use the overlayCount property to specify the number of overlays to be included in the chart. Use the overlayNCurrentTable and overlayNHistoryTable properties to add the Nth overlay.
When a stock chart is selected in the Builder canvas, the Object Class Name that appears at the top of the Object Properties pane is obj_stockchart.
The Object Properties panel organizes stock chart properties into the following groups:
*Stock chart: Background group
*Stock chart: Data group
*Stock chart: Data Format group
*Stock chart: Interaction group
*Stock chart: Historian group
*Stock chart: Label group
*Stock chart: Legend group
*Stock chart: Object group
*Stock chart: Plot Area group
*Stock chart: Price Trace group
*Stock chart: Trace group
*Stock chart: TraceN group
*Stock chart: X-Axis group
*Stock chart: Y-Axis group
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