About resize modes and Display Server deployments
The behavior of thin client, Display Server deployments differs from the description above in the following cases:
When the initial display is opened in the thin client, the browser frame is not resized to match the display size as it is, for example, in the Dashboard Viewer.
In crop mode, the display appears in its full size, and if the browser frame is larger than the display, unused space appears below and to the right of the display. In addition, if the browser frame is smaller than the display, scrollbars appear.
In layout and scale modes, the display briefly appears in its default size, and then resizes to fit the browser frame size. This may also occur if another tab is opened in the browser, the browser is resized, and then the browser tab that contains the thin client is re-opened.
In layout and scale modes, after the browser frame is resized, table objects revert to their original states. For example, if the user clicks on a column header in a table in order to sort the column, after a resize the table reverts to its default sort. Similarly, if the user scrolls in a table or resizes the legend, after a resize the scrollbars and legends revert to their initial position and size.
In scale mode, there is unused space in the browser frame. This is because the display uses the largest four-by-three rectangular area of the frame, to ensure equal scaling in both dimensions. The unused area has the same color as the display background, but does not have a gradient fill.