Developing Apama Applications > Writing Correlator Plug-ins > The EPL Plug-in APIs for C and C++ > Listing of correlator_plugin.hpp
Listing of correlator_plugin.hpp
A listing of correlator_plugin.hpp is given here. The file is extensively documented and is recommended as a reference to the functionality available within the definitions of the classes listed above.

* correlator_plugin.hpp
* Apama Plugin C++ API definitions. Used by plugin libraries and the plugin
* support code within the Engine itself.
* $Copyright(c) 2013 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its licensors$
* $Id$
#include <ApamaTypes.h>
#include <AP_Platform.h>
#include <AP_PluginCommon.h>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
* Plugin API version. The upper 16 bits identify the major release of the
* API; the lower 16 bits indicate minor versions within that release. No
* changes that break backward binary compatibility will be made within a
* given major release of the API. That is, minor releases may add
* functionality and fix bugs, but will not change or remove any documented
* behaviour. AP_PluginCommon.h provides two _VERSION_MASK symbols for
* convenience in performing fine-grained version checks.
* Version history:
* 1.0 First version released in Apama Engine 2.0.3
* Win32 support added in Apama Engine 2.0.4
* 2.0 Add serialisation support for Apama Engine 2.1 release
* Unfortunately this breaks back compatibility of chunks
* 3.0 Added getCorrelator, for internal use only
* 4.0 Make the result of the getCorrelator() context method into a real
* public class - AP_CorrelatorInterface. Unfortunately v3.0 plugins
* will be expecting a different type to be returned by this method,
* so a major version bump is required. However, this does bring the
* C++ and C plugin APIs back into sync - future changes can be made
* to both APIs and the version numbers incremented together.
* 5.0 Add getContextId and sendEventTo. Also added the optional
* GET_CAPABILITIES and THREAD_ENDED functions that the plugin may
* provide. Improved some function prototypes.
* 6.0 Improved the interface's const-correctness. Increased the
* performance of AP_TypeList, made AP_Chunk construction and
* destruction cheaper, especially in a multi-threaded
* environment. Added AP_Type::visitSequenceElements.
* 7.0 Remove serialisation support
* Prohibit mutation of string arguments to plug-in functions
* Improve validation of returned values
#define AP_PLUGIN_VERSION 0x00070000

* Base class of all exceptions throw by the plugin API. Unless documented
* otherwise, plugins should assume that any API function can throw this
* exception.
class AP_PluginException : public std::runtime_error {
explicit AP_PluginException(const std::string& what) : std::runtime_error(what) { }

* Type error. Typically results from an attempt to read/write a value of the
* wrong type from/to an AP_Type object.
class AP_TypeException : public AP_PluginException {
explicit AP_TypeException(const std::string& what) : AP_PluginException(what) { }

* Thrown by an attempt to use a function that is defined but not implemented in
* this version of the API. Can also be thrown by deprecated functions that
* are still in the API but for which no reasonable implementation exists.
class AP_UnimplementedException : public AP_PluginException {
explicit AP_UnimplementedException(const std::string& what) : AP_PluginException(what) { }

* Boundary checking error. Thrown by attempted access to non-existent
* sequence or array elements.
class AP_BoundsException : public AP_PluginException {
explicit AP_BoundsException(const std::string& what) : AP_PluginException(what) { }
* Thrown by plugin authors to signal an error to any EPL calling this plugin.
* While all exceptions thrown from a plugin method can be caught within EPL,
* this class is preferred as it allows the plugin author to determine the type
* of the EPL exception.
class AP_UserPluginException : public AP_PluginException {
* @param type Calling getType() on the resulting EPL exception will
* result in "PluginException:<type>"
explicit AP_UserPluginException(const std::string type, const std::string& what)
: AP_PluginException(what), type(type) {}

const std::string& getType() const {
return type;

~AP_UserPluginException() throw() {}
std::string type;

/** Forward declarations */
class AP_Chunk;
class AP_CorrelatorInterface;

* Execution context for a library function call. Holds per-call
* Engine-internal data and provides various utility functions to plugins.
* Note that the implementation of the AP_Context member functions is internal
* to the Engine. One consequence of this is that plugins *cannot* create a
* useful instance of this class themselves; the only valid AP_Context objects
* are those passed in to a plugin function by the Engine.
class AP_Context {
/** Destructor */
virtual ~AP_Context() = 0;
/** Return active plugin API version */
virtual uint32 version() const = 0;
* Allocate storage for an 8-bit string value. The memory will be
* allocated by the Engine and must only be freed using the
* char8free() function. These functions should be used for any
* string data that may need to be copied or otherwise manipulated by
* the Engine; in particular, strings within chunk objects that the
* Engine may be required to (de)serialise.
* @param len The length of the string buffer. Must be sufficient to
* cover any terminators or other special characters to be included in
* the string.
* @return Pointer to a memory block of at least len bytes.
virtual char8* char8alloc(size_t len) const = 0;
* Duplicate a string value created using char8alloc(). This function
* allocates a memory block of sufficient size and copies the contents
* of the source string into it. The returned string must only be
* freed using char8free().
* @param s The source string to be copied. Must have been created
* with char8alloc().
* @return Pointer to a copy of the source string.
virtual char8* char8dup(const char8* s) const = 0;
* Free the memory occupied by a string created using char8alloc() or
* char8free(). The source string pointer is invalid after this
* function returns. This function must not be used to free any
* object that was not allocated by char8alloc() or char8free().
* @param s The source string to be freed.
virtual void char8free(char8* s) const = 0;
* Return the correlator implementation.
virtual AP_CorrelatorInterface* getCorrelator() const = 0;

* Return the correlator implementation.
virtual AP_uint64 getContextId() const = 0;

* Asynchronous interface to the correlator. A per-plugin instance of this
* class can be obtained by calling AP_Context::getCorrelator(). Methods of
* this class may be invoked from background threads.
class AP_CorrelatorInterface {

/** Destructor */
virtual ~AP_CorrelatorInterface() = 0;
* Send an event to the correlator
* @param event the event to send. The event is represented as a string
* using the format described in the Event Manager Operations manual.
virtual void sendEvent(const char* event) = 0;

* Send an event to a specific context in the correlator
* @param event the event to send. The event is represented as a string
* using the format described in the Event Manager Operations manual.
* @param targetContext the target context.
* @param sourceContext the source context. Must be as returned from
* AP_Context.getContextId(), or 0 if called from a plugin thread.
virtual void sendEventTo(const char* event, AP_uint64 targetContext,
AP_uint64 sourceContext) = 0;

* Base class for all 'chunk' classes. Plugins should inherit from this class
* and add suitable data and function members in the derived class to manage
* their private data structures, in memory allocated by the plugin itself.
* AP_Chunk instances are passed in and out of plugin functions as the 'chunk
* value' of AP_Type objects, and referenced in MontitorScript code as
* variables of type 'chunk'. Note that the contents of a chunk are entirely
* opaque to MonitorScript.
class AP_PLUGIN_API AP_Chunk {
* Pure virtual destructor. It is *essential* that every AP_Chunk
* derived class implements this method to free any resources
* allocated by the derived class. The Engine will arrange for the
* destructor to be called when the associated MonitorScript chunk
* object is deleted.
* The correlator interface may not be used from a chunk's destructor.
* Also, correlator interface calls on another thread may
* block until the chunk's destructor returns. Chunk
* destructors that can block should therefore be careful to
* avoid deadlocking against such a thread.
virtual ~AP_Chunk() {}
* Chunk cloning method (typically calls a copy constructor in the
* derived class). As with the destructor, it is essential for
* AP_Chunk derived classes to implement this method, to ensure that
* MonitorScript assignments to/from chunk objects work correctly.
* @param ctx Execution context for the copy operation.
* @return Pointer to a copy of this AP_Chunk object.
virtual AP_Chunk* copy(const AP_Context& ctx) const = 0;
* Obsolete constructor retained for backward compatability
explicit AP_Chunk(const AP_Context &) {}
* Default constructor declared because there's a non-default one
AP_Chunk() {}

* Type-safe encapsulation of a MonitorScript object, for passing arguments
* and return values into and out of plugin functions. Note that the
* implementation of the AP_Type member functions is internal to the Engine.
* One consequence of this is that plugins *cannot* create a useful instance
* of this class themselves; the only valid AP_Type objects are those passed
* in to a plugin function by the Engine.
* AP_Type is a "smart union" object -- each instance holds a single value of
* one of the supported types and only allows access to data of that type.
class AP_Type {
/** Destructor */
virtual ~AP_Type() = 0;
/** Get the type of the encapsulated object */
virtual AP_TypeDiscriminator discriminator() const = 0;
/** Get the chunk value of the object */
virtual AP_Chunk* chunkValue() const = 0;
* Set the chunk value of the object.
* The correlator takes ownership of the new AP_Chunk; it should
* not be deleted by the plugin.
* The correlator releases ownership of the old AP_Chunk and
* returns it to the plug-in for disposal.
* The old pointer, or new, or both, may be null.
virtual AP_Chunk *chunkValue(AP_Chunk* val) const = 0;
/** Get the integer value of the object */
virtual int64 integerValue() const = 0;
/** Set the integer value of the object */
virtual void integerValue(int64 val) = 0;
/** Get the float value of the object */
virtual float64 floatValue() const = 0;
/** Set the float value of the object */
virtual void floatValue(float64 val) = 0;
/** Get the boolean value of the object */
virtual bool booleanValue() const = 0;
/** Set the boolean value of the object */
virtual void booleanValue(bool val) = 0;
/** Get the string value of the object */
virtual const char8* stringValue() const = 0;
/** Set the string value of the object.
* Note that this is only possible on sequence elements and
* return values, not arguments (which are const)
virtual void stringValue(const char8* val) = 0;
/** Get the number of elements in a sequence object */
virtual size_t sequenceLength() const = 0;
/** Get the element type of a sequence object */
virtual AP_TypeDiscriminator sequenceType() const = 0;
* Get a reference to a single sequence element. The
* element AP_Type remains usable until the sequence AP_Type
* is destroyed.
virtual AP_Type &sequenceElement(size_t index) const = 0;
* Visit the specified elements of a sequence using the
* specified functor.
* Although less convenient than other sequence element
* accessors, it is more efficient as it entails no memory
* allocation.
template <typename FN>
void visitSequenceElements(const FN &fn, size_t start = 0,
size_t length = size_t(-1)) const {
visitSequenceElementsImpl(Wrap<FN>(fn), start, length);
* Generate an array of pointers to AP_Type objects, encapsulating
* elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object. This may
* or may not require copying the original MonitorScript objects.
virtual AP_Type* const * sequenceElements(size_t start = 0,
size_t length = size_t(-1)) const = 0;
* Free the resources allocated by *all* preceding calls to
* sequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the
* sequence elements are reflected in the underlying MonitorScript
* objects. Any arrays previously returned by sequenceElements()
* immediately become invalid. This function is automatically called
* when a sequence AP_Type is destroyed, but can be invoked explicitly
* by a plugin to copy changes back during a long-running computation.
virtual void releaseSequenceElements() const = 0;
* Generate an array of pointers to chunks encapsulating elements
* [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object. This may or may
* not require copying the original MonitorScript objects.
* Note that the AP_Chunk pointers cannot be modified via this
* call. Use sequenceElement(), visitSequenceElements() or
* sequenceElements() instead, being sure to free any AP_Chunk
* instances that are replaced.
virtual AP_Chunk* const * chunkSequenceElements(size_t start = 0,
size_t length = size_t(-1)) const = 0;
* Free the resources allocated by *all* preceding calls to
* chunkSequenceElements(). Arrays previously returned by
* chunkSequenceElements() immediately become invalid. This
* function is automatically called when a sequence AP_Type is
* destroyed, but can be invoked explicitly by a plugin during
* a long-running computation.
virtual void releaseChunkSequenceElements() const = 0;
* Generate an array of integers encapsulating elements
* [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object. This may or may
* not require copying the original MonitorScript objects.
virtual int64* integerSequenceElements(size_t start = 0,
size_t length = size_t(-1)) const = 0;
* Free the resources allocated by *all* preceding calls to
* integerSequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the
* sequence elements are reflected in the underlying MonitorScript
* objects. Arrays previously returned by integerSequenceElements()
* immediately become invalid. This function is automatically called
* when a sequence AP_Type is destroyed, but can be invoked explicitly
* by a plugin to copy changes back during a long-running computation.
virtual void releaseIntegerSequenceElements() const = 0;
* Generate an array of floats encapsulating elements
* [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object. This may or may
* not require copying the original MonitorScript objects.
virtual float64* floatSequenceElements(size_t start = 0,
size_t length = size_t(-1)) const = 0;
* Free the resources allocated by *all* preceding calls to
* floatSequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the
* sequence elements are reflected in the underlying MonitorScript
* objects. Arrays previously returned by floatSequenceElements()
* immediately become invalid. This function is automatically called
* when a sequence AP_Type is destroyed, but can be invoked explicitly
* by a plugin to copy changes back during a long-running computation.
virtual void releaseFloatSequenceElements() const = 0;
* Generate an array of booleans encapsulating elements
* [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object. This may or may
* not require copying the original MonitorScript objects.
virtual bool* booleanSequenceElements(size_t start = 0,
size_t length = size_t(-1)) const = 0;
* Free the resources allocated by *all* preceding calls to
* booleanSequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the
* sequence elements are reflected in the underlying MonitorScript
* objects. Arrays previously returned by booleanSequenceElements()
* immediately become invalid. This function is automatically called
* when a sequence AP_Type is destroyed, but can be invoked explicitly
* by a plugin to copy changes back during a long-running computation.
virtual void releaseBooleanSequenceElements() const = 0;
* Generate an array of string pointers encapsulating elements
* [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object. This may or may
* not require copying the original MonitorScript objects. Strings
* pointed to by this sequence are only valid for the lifetime of a
* call into the plugin.
virtual const char8** stringSequenceElements(size_t start = 0,
size_t length = size_t(-1)) const = 0;
* Free the resources allocated by *all* preceding calls to
* stringSequenceElements() and copies any changes made to the
* sequence elements to the underlying MonitorScript objects.
* Arrays previously returned by stringSequenceElements()
* immediately become invalid. This function is automatically called
* when a sequence AP_Type is destroyed, but can be invoked explicitly
* by a plugin to copy changes back during a long-running computation.
* Note that string sequence element arrays do not own the
* strings they reference and will never delete a string the
* plugin has placed in the array - if the plugin has set a
* value, it must delete that string (and it cannot use
* the value in the array returned from stringSequenceElement
* - plugins will need to keep another pointer to any new
* strings they create.
virtual void releaseStringSequenceElements() const = 0;

/** Operator to get chunk value from object */
operator AP_Chunk*() const {
return chunkValue();
/** Operator to assign chunk value to object */
AP_Type &operator= (AP_Chunk* val) {
return *this;
/** Operator to get integer value from object */
operator int64() const {
return integerValue();
/** Operator to assign integer value to object */
AP_Type &operator= (int64 val) {
return *this;
/** Operator to get float value from object */
operator float64() const {
return floatValue();
/** Operator to assign float value to object */
AP_Type &operator= (float64 val) {
return *this;
/** Operator to get boolean value from object */
operator bool() const {
return booleanValue();
/** Operator to assign boolean value to object */
AP_Type &operator= (bool val) {
return *this;
/** Operator to get string value from object */
operator const char8*() const {
return stringValue();
/** Operator to assign string value to object */
AP_Type &operator= (const char8* val) {
return *this;
/** Operator to get sequence element of object */
AP_Type& operator[] (size_t index) const {
return sequenceElement(index);
/** Polymorphic functor passed to visitSequenceElementImpl */
class ElementFn {
virtual ~ElementFn() { }
virtual void operator()(AP_Type &) const =0;
/** Polymorphic implementation of the generic visitSequenceElements */
virtual void visitSequenceElementsImpl(const ElementFn &,
size_t start, size_t length) const =0;
template <typename FN>
class Wrap : public ElementFn {
explicit Wrap(const FN &fn) : fn(fn) {}
void operator()(AP_Type &arg) const { fn(arg); }
const FN &fn;

* Container class for an ordered list of AP_Type objects, typically used to
* hold the argument list for a plugin function call.
class AP_TypeList {
template <typename T> AP_TypeList(const T *array, size_t n)
: ptr(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(static_cast<const AP_Type *>(array))),
n(n), stride(sizeof(T))
/** Return the number of objects in the list */
size_t size() const { return n; }
/** Return true iff size() == 0 */
bool empty() const { return n==0; }
/** Return a reference to an element of the list */
const AP_Type &operator[] (size_t i) const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const AP_Type *>(ptr + i*stride);
const char *ptr;
size_t n, stride;

* Pointer to a plugin function. All functions exported by a plugin library
* must follow this interface.
* @param ctx Execution context for this invocation of the function.
* @param args Function parameters, passed by reference.
* @param rval Function return value, to be filled in by plugin.
* @throw AP_PluginException If anything goes wrong.
typedef void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL* AP_FunctionPtr)(
const AP_Context& ctx, const AP_TypeList& args,
AP_Type& rval, AP_TypeDiscriminator rtype);

* Plugin function descriptor. Note that the argument and return types in
* this structure are strings (not AP_TypeDiscriminator objects) that use the
* same syntax as MonitorScript declarations. For example, the declare a
* function argument as a sequence of integers, the corresponding element of
* the paramTypes array would contain "sequence<integer>".
struct AP_Function {
/** Function name */
const char8* name;
/** Pointer to function implementation */
AP_FunctionPtr fptr;
/** Argument count */
size_t nParams;
/** Argument types. nParams elements, unterminated */
const char8** paramTypes;
/** Return type */
const char8* returnType;

* Pointer to a plugin library initialisation function. Each plugin must
* export a single function with this signature, named using the
* AP_INIT_FUNCTION_NAME macro, with "C" linkage. The initialisation function
* will be called immediately after the library is loaded by the Engine.
* @param ctx Execution context for the function call.
* @param version Active plugin API version. The plugin should verify it is
* compatible with this version (and return AP_VERSION_MISMATCH_ERROR if not)
* and update version to indicate the API version the plugin was compiled
* against.
* @param nFunctions The plugin should set this to the number of functions it
* exports.
* @param functions The plugin should set this to the address of an array of
* AP_Functions structures, of length nFunctions, describing the functions
* exported by the plugin. This data will be read and copied by the plugin
* API.
* @return An AP_ErrorCode indicating the success or otherwise of the library
* initialisation.
typedef AP_PLUGIN_DLL_SYM AP_ErrorCode (
AP_PLUGIN_CALL* AP_InitFunctionPtr)(const AP_Context& ctx, uint32&
version, uint32& nFunctions, AP_Function*& functions);

* Pointer to a plugin library shutdown function. Each plugin must export a
* single function with this signature, named using the
* AP_SHUTDOWN_FUNCTION_NAME macro, with "C" linkage. The shutdown function
* will be called immediately before the library is unloaded by the Engine.
* @param ctx Execution context for the function call.
* @return An AP_ErrorCode indicating the success or otherwise of the function
* call.
typedef AP_PLUGIN_DLL_SYM AP_ErrorCode (
AP_PLUGIN_CALL* AP_ShutdownFunctionPtr)(const AP_Context& ctx);

* Pointer to a plugin library version function. Each plugin must export a
* single function with this signature, named using the
* AP_LIBRARY_VERSION_FUNCTION_NAME macro, with "C" linkage. The version
* function is called *before* the library initialisation function to
* determine the version of the plugin API supported by the library without
* triggering any side-effects that the initialisation function might have.
* If the function is not present, the plugin API will assume that the library
* conforms to an earlier version of the API and proceed accordingly.
* @param ctx Execution context for the function call.
* @param version The plugin should fill this in with the version of the API
* it was compiled against.
* @return An AP_ErrorCode indicating the success or otherwise of the function
* call.
typedef AP_PLUGIN_DLL_SYM AP_ErrorCode (
AP_PLUGIN_CALL* AP_LibraryVersionFunctionPtr)(const AP_Context& ctx,
uint32& version);
* Pointer to a plugin capability function. Each plugin must export a
* single function with this signature, named using the
* AP_PLUGIN_GET_CAPABILITIES_FUNCTION_NAME macro, with "C" linkage. The get capabilities
* function is called after the version function and *before* the library
* initialisation function to determine the capabilities/ features of the
* plugin API supported by the library without
* triggering any side-effects that the initialisation function might have.
* If the function is not present, the plugin API will assume that the library
* conforms to an earlier version of the API and proceed accordingly.
* @param ctx Execution context for the function call.
* @return An AP_Capabilities indicating the capabilities/ properties of the
* plugin (multiple values are bitwise-OR'd together)
typedef AP_PLUGIN_DLL_SYM AP_Capabilities (
AP_PLUGIN_CALL* AP_GetCapabilitiesFunctionPtr)(const AP_Context& ctx);

* Pointer to a plugin library thread ended function.
* The function is called by the correlator when a thread ends.
* The function is optional, but not implementing it may lead to leaks
* as the plugin will not be told if a thread has ended.
* This function pointer is not guaranteed to be called before AP_ShutdownFunctionPtr
* Any plugin using this will have to free resources in AP_ShutdownFunctionPtr as if
* AP_ThreadEndedFunctionPtr may have not been called.
* @param ctx Execution context for the function call.
* @return An AP_ErrorCode indicating the success or otherwise of the function
* call.
typedef AP_PLUGIN_DLL_SYM AP_ErrorCode (
AP_PLUGIN_CALL* AP_ThreadEndedFunctionPtr) (const AP_Context& ctx);
Copyright © 2013 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG USA Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or Terracotta Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, and/or Software AG (Canada) Inc., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, and/or, Software AG (UK) Ltd., Derby, United Kingdom, and/or Software A.G. (Israel) Ltd., Or-Yehuda, Israel and/or their licensors.