Developing Apama Applications > Developing Clients > Using the SDKs – C++ and Java Examples > The Java example
The Java example
The Java example is effectively identical to the C++ example described in the previous topic. The source file for this example is available as and is available in the samples\engine_client\java folder of the Apama installation.
Building and running the example is easy. Full instructions are available in the README.txt contained in the same folder.
* This simple example illustrates how to use the Java SDK to
* interface with Apama. The example connects to a remote Event Correlator
* (also known as a Correlation Engine or just the Engine), creates
* an event consumer and connects it to the Engine's supplier interface,
* creates some MonitorScript code and injects it, injects some sample events,
* and receives some back from the Engine when the monitor triggers. It then
* disconnects from the Engine and exits.
* $Copyright(c) 2013 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its licensors$
* $RCSfile$ $Revision$ $Date$

import com.apama.engine.EngineManagementFactory;
import com.apama.engine.EngineManagement;
import com.apama.engine.EngineStatus;
import com.apama.engine.MonitorScript;
import com.apama.event.EventConsumer;
import com.apama.event.EventSupplier;
import com.apama.event.Event;
import com.apama.EngineException;

* Event receiver implementation.
class ReceiveConsumer implements EventConsumer {

/** Per-connection resource handle returned by the Engine */
private EventSupplier supplier;

* Constructor creates the connection to the Engine.
* @param engine The Event Correlator to connect to.
* @exception EngineException
public ReceiveConsumer(EngineManagement engine) throws EngineException {
// Make the connection. The returned EventSupplier is a handle to
// private resources allocated by the engine to deal with this
// connection.
supplier = engine.connectEventConsumer(this, new String[] {});

* Receive events from the Engine and log them to stdout.
* @param events The received events.
* @exception EngineException
public void sendEvents(Event[] events) throws EngineException {
if (events!=null) {
for (int i=0; i<events.length; i++) {

/** No destructors in Java, so we need to explicitly deregister the consumer. */
public void deregister() throws EngineException {
if (supplier!=null)

} // non-public class ReceiveConsumer

* Main program.
* Return codes:
* 0 = Everything OK
* 1 = Couldn't connect to Engine
* 2 = Something else went wrong
public class JavaExample {

public static void main(String[] argv) {
// Return code
int rc = 2;

// Error message to display if anything goes wrong. Update this
// appropriately before each operation that might break.
String emsg = null;

if ((argv.length == 2) && (Integer.parseInt(argv[1]) > 0)) {

// The engine
EngineManagement engine = null;

try {
try {
rc = 1;

// Attempt to connect to a remote Engine
emsg = "Failed to connect to engine";
engine = EngineManagementFactory.connectToEngine(argv[0],

// Create an event consumer
emsg = "Event sink connection failed";
ReceiveConsumer consumer = new ReceiveConsumer(engine);

// Inject some MonitorScript (don't forget to delete it when done)
emsg = "MonitorScript injection failed";
MonitorScript script = new MonitorScript(
"event TestEvent {" +"\n" +
"string text;" +"\n" +
"}" +"\n" +
"" +"\n" +
"monitor Echo {" +"\n" +
"" +"\n" +
"TestEvent test;" +"\n" +
"" +"\n" +
"action onload {" +"\n" +
"on all TestEvent(*):test {" +"\n" +
"emit TestEvent(test.text);" +"\n" +
"}" +"\n" +
"}" +"\n" +

// Wait a few seconds to be sure the injection event has been processed

// Get & display status (have to delete it when done)
emsg = "Status gathering failed";
EngineStatus status = engine.getStatus();

// Send some events (In the Java API we do NOT need to null
// terminate the array)
emsg = "Event sending failed";
Event[] events = new Event[2];
events[0] = new Event("TestEvent(\"Hello, World\")");
events[1] = new Event("TestEvent(\"Welcome to Apama\")");

// Delete the event type and monitor we added
emsg = "Name deletion failed";

// Wait a few seconds for the output event to be received and
// the deletions processed

// Display status again
emsg = "Status gathering failed";
status = engine.getStatus();

// Disconnect and destroy the event consumer
emsg = "Event sink disconnection failed";

// If we got this far, everything succeeded!
rc = 0;
catch (EngineException ex) {
// Rethrow so exception printer can deal with it
throw ex;
catch (Throwable t) {
throw new EngineException("Caught non-engine exception in main()");
catch (EngineException ex) {
System.err.println(emsg + ": " + ex);

else {
// Bad command line given
System.out.println("Usage: java JavaExample <host> <port>");

// Done!
} // main()

} // class JavaExample

Copyright © 2013 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG USA Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or Terracotta Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, and/or Software AG (Canada) Inc., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, and/or, Software AG (UK) Ltd., Derby, United Kingdom, and/or Software A.G. (Israel) Ltd., Or-Yehuda, Israel and/or their licensors.