Developing Apama Applications > Developing Apama Applications in Event Modeler > Overview of Using Event Modeler > How rules define scenario behavior > Description of functions in rules
Description of functions in rules
As you might have noticed from some of the examples used so far, functions are available in both conditions and actions.
Functions in Event Modeler take a fixed set of parameters, with each parameter being of a particular type. A function will return a single value of a particular type. The types available for both parameters and results are text, number and True/False (or condition).
Functions are each defined in a function definition file or .fdf file.
The bundled functions include commonly used arithmetic and string functions, like abs (the absolute value of a number), ceil (the whole number ceiling of a number), floor (the whole number floor of a number), pow (to the power of) and concat (concatenate). These functions are documented in Using Functions in Event Modeler.
Note that any .fdf files located in the folder functions are automatically picked up by the Event Modeler at startup time, and made available when defining rules.
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