Deploying and Managing Apama Applications > Correlator-Integrated JMS Messaging > Designing and implementing applications for JMS > Using correlator persistence with Correlator-integrated JMS > How reliable JMS receiving integrates with correlator persistence
How reliable JMS receiving integrates with correlator persistence
This topic describes the details of how JMS receiving integrates with correlator persistence and is intended for advanced users.
When receiving in AT_LEAST_ONCE or EXACTLY_ONCE mode, messages are taken from the JMS queue or topic in batches (using JMS CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode). The resulting Apama events are persisted in the reliable receive JMS datastore (which is separate from the correlator's recovery datastore) and then acknowledged back to JMS before the next batch of messages is received. After a batch of events finishes being asynchronously committed to the data store, it is added to the input queue of each context. When the correlator next completes a persist cycle, all events that had at least been added to the input queue by the beginning of the persist cycle have been (or will be) reliably passed to the application. This means that in AT_LEAST_ONCE mode they can be removed from the receive data store immediately.
If EXACTLY_ONCE is being used and the event was mapped with a non-empty uniqueMessageId from the JMS message, the uniqueMessageId and other meta-data are stored both in memory and in the on-disk reliable data store, and are kept there until the associated uniqueMessageId is expired from the duplicate detector. Note however, that as an optimization, because the persisted event strings are no longer needed once the event has been included in the correlator state database, any particularly long event strings may be nulled out in the database. The latency of received messages is therefore dependent on the time spent waiting for other messages to be received to fill the batch, and the time taken to commit the batch to the receive data store.
When a persistent correlator is restarted and recovers its state from the recovery data store, no new JMS messages will be received from the broker until recovery is complete, specifically until the correlator calls the onConcludeRecovery() action on all EPL monitors that have defined one. It is possible that EPL monitors will see a small number of JMS messages that were received and added to the input queue before the correlator was restarted, so to be safe any required listeners in non-persistent monitors should be set up in onBeginRecovery().
Since a batch of messages is acknowledged to the JMS broker as soon as they have been written to the Apama reliable receive JMS datastore, there is no relationship between JMS message acknowledgement to the broker and when the correlator begins or completes a correlator state datastore persistence cycle. The maximum number of messages that may be received from the JMS broker but not yet acknowledged is limited by the configured maxBatchSize (typically this is 1000 messages).
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