Developing Apama Applications > Building Dashboards > Reusing Dashboard Components > Working with multiple display panels > Using new tags to configure the panels in a window > Examples of configuration files for multiple panels
Examples of configuration files for multiple panels
The following PANELS.ini file uses the new tags and creates a title panel at the top, an accordion panel on the left, and a main display in the center. There are draggable dividers between all panels.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<panels xmlns="" version="1.0">

<rtvLayout title="Accordion Example" dividers="true">

<rtvDisplayPanel region="north" name="title_panel"

<rtvAccordionPanel region="west" width="200" navdata="navtree.xml"/>

<rtvDisplayPanel region="center" name="main_panel"


The next PANELS.INI file creates a tabbed display panel at the top and a title panel at the bottom.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<panels xmlns="" version="1.0">

<rtvLayout title="Tab Example">

<rtvTabbedDisplayPanel region="center" tabs="navtabs.xml" display="stock_chart"/>

<rtvDisplayPanel region="south" name="title_panel" display="title.rtv"/>


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