Apama Capital Markets Foundation 10.15 | Other Resolved Issues | Release 9.10
Release 9.10
*PAF-3438 (CMF 9.10.0)
Subscription race with multiple subscriptions from different contexts.
A race condition has been fixed where duplicate subscriptions from different contexts could cause the initial data snapshot to be sent before a context had subscribed to the channel. This would cause Market Data update callbacks to not be called.
*PAF-3428 (CMF 9.10.0)
Issue with missing EP data for duplicate subscriptions.
An issue has been fixed where a duplicate subscription with Extra Parameters enabled would not have the Extra Parameter values set in the initial snapshot.
*PAF-3426 (CMF 9.10.0)
Delete of EP not working for Datastreams.
An issue has been fixed where the deletion of all EPs was not being reflected in the data published to the user.
*PAF-3396 (CMF 9.10.0)
Position Limit and Client Credit Firewall Rule should allow CancelOrders.
A new parameter CHECK_CANCEL has been added to the Position Limit and Client Credit Firewall Rules (defaults to true), so rule instances can be configured to never reject Cancel Orders.
*PAF-3392 (CMF 9.10.0)
WrappedD is corrupted for duplicate subscriptions.
An issue has been fixed where a duplicate depth subscription would receive a corrupt book in the initial snapshot.