9001 | Quantity Requested. If present, only 1 layer will be streamed. |
107 | SecurityDesc -> The stream type the request is for. supported types: SPOT, OUTRIGHT. (if not supplied, SPOT is assumed) |
64 | FutSettDate -> Required if SecurityDesc=OUTRIGHT and Tenor is not specified. |
9002 | Tenor -> Required if SecurityDesc=OUTRIGHT and FutSettDate is not specified. |
Account | The identity of the settlement account |
107 | SecurityDesc -> The product type the order is for supported types: SPOR, OUTRIGHT, SWAP. (if not supplied, SPOT is assumed) |
21 | HandlInst -> 1 = Automated execution order, private, no Broker Intervention |
167 | SecurityType -> FOR = Foreign Exchange Contract |
40 | OrderType -> Only supported types are "FOREX LIMIT" and "FOREX MARKET" |
15 | Currency -> The dealt currency (ISO code) |
59 | TimeInForce -> 4 = Fill or Kill (FOK) |
44 | Price -> In the case of Market Orders (40 = C (FOREX MARKET)), Price should be set to 0 |
140 | PrevClosePx -> Required when SecurityDesc is OUTRIGHT or SWAP. The spot component of the order For Markt Orders, this should be set to 0. |
64 | FutSettDate -> Required if SecurityDesc = OUTRIGHT or SWAP. |