Capital Markets Adapters 10.15 | Apama Capital Markets Adapters Documentation 10.15 | Release Notes | What's new in 10.7 release
What's new in 10.7 release
Apama Base FIX Adapter
Apama Base FIX Adapter now supports Book Reset (269 = J) in Snapshot and Incremental updates for MBP, BBA, and MBO subscription.
BM+F Bovespa UMDF Adapter
*The BVF Bovespa UMDF adapter now supports the following transport properties:
*GapMaxRetryAttempts. Number of messages to wait on the incremental feed before identifying a gap on the feed (defaults to 3 messages).
*GapRetryDurationMilliseconds. Time to wait before reporting a gap on the incremental feed (defaults to 25 milliseconds).
*TCPReplayRetryMilliseconds. Time to wait before retrying to recover a message using the TCP Replay feed (defaults to 140 milliseconds).
Fix 1
*BM+F Bovespa UMDF adapter now supports configuring MulticastInterface for each of the active-passive feeds (primary and secondary).
EBS Spot Ai FIX Adapter
*Fix 1
*EBS Spot Ai FIX Adapter has been upgraded and certified to support EBS Direct 2.0 platform.