What's new in 10.3.1 release
Apama Base FIX Adapter
DecimalPrecision. The transport property
DecimalPrecision has been added to set the desired decimal precision for float fix values.
Added new FIX IAF transport configuration parameter
PublishMostRecentUpdate to always publish the most recent market data updates. This parameter is applicable only for Marketdata provider sessions and also when
MessageIdentifier IAF property is provided.
Citigroup FIX Adapter
Citi Adapter now supports Colo Spot API Specification v 7.0.16 version.
This Adapter is tested and certified for Tiered Pricing only.
The following order types are supported:
Previously Quoted
Market Order
CME iLink FIX Adapter
CME iLink FIX adapter is now certified with
iLink Convenience Gateways Behavior Harmonizations.
Fix 1 CME iLink FIX Adapter now forwards
the consolidated iLink Fill details to the user.
EBS Spot Ai FIX Adapter
Fix 1 EBS Spot Ai FIX Adapter has been upgraded and certified to support EBS Direct 2.0 platform.
Reuters MAPI Adapter
The Reuters MAPI adapter has been upgraded to v1.7.
The adapter now supports MiFID-II regulator requirements.