IAF configuration
When acting as a client to Trading Technologies(TT), the IAF should be configured with the Trading Technologies(TT) specific configuration file, the distribution version of which can be found here:
${APAMA_HOME}/adapters/config/FIX-TT-MDA.xml.dist ${APAMA_HOME}/adapters/config/FIX-static-TT-groups.xml.xml ${APAMA_HOME}/adapters/config/FIXTransport-BaseFIXLibrary-TT.xml Note that the requirement for a TT-specific configuration file means that an IAF adapter using this configuration file must be used for TT FIX sessions only. The FIX adapter will not interoperate correctly with other FIX servers once it has been configured for TT operation. If you need to connect to other FIX servers as well as TT, the non-TT sessions should be configured in a separate IAF instance. However, TT and non-TT session can coexist safely within the same correlator instance.
As well as the standard host, port, sender and target CompID parameters, the following parameters must also be supplied for Trading session:
<!-- params supplied by TT -->
<property name="StaticField.body.A.96" value="@TT_PASSWORD@"/>
<property name="StaticField.body.*.1" value="@FIX_ACCOUNT@"/>
<property name="StaticField.header.*.116" value="@ONBEHALFOF_SUBID@"/>