Capital Markets Adapters 10.15 | Apama Capital Markets Adapters Documentation 10.15 | EBS Spot Ai FIX Adapter | Connecting to CME EBS Ai
Connecting to CME EBS Ai
IAF configuration
Service monitor injection order
Session configuration
Adapter configuration
Subscribing and Unsubscribing
Order management
Subscription sample
CME Group has implemented EBS Ai on CME Globex (EBS Ai) to facilitate the EBS Market Integration. EBS Ai allows the existing EBS customers to transact on CME Globex using EBS Ai over FIX protocol with minimal modifications to their trading and market data solutions.
EBS adapter has added support to connect EBS Ai platform. Both the market data and order management messages are connected through a single FIX session. The market data can be accessed through CMF MDA, while orders can be placed through com.apama.oms.