Apama 10.15.0 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing Apama Applications in EPL | Getting Started with Apama EPL
Getting Started with Apama EPL
Introduction to Apama Event Processing Language
How EPL applications compare to applications in other languages
About dynamic compilation in the correlator
About the Apama development environment in Software AG Designer
Defining event types
Working with events
The correlator is Apama's core event processing and correlation engine. The interface to the correlator lets you inject events that the correlator analyzes. You can configure the correlator to watch for particular events or patterns of interest. In addition, you specify the actions to undertake when the correlator identifies such patterns. Identification of events of interest plus what to do when such events are found constitute an Apama application's logic.
To deploy an application on the correlator, you can use the correlator's native Apama Event Processing Language (EPL).
This part teaches you how to write EPL programs. While some programming experience is assumed, no prior knowledge of EPL is assumed.
Apama EPL is an event-driven programming language. It lets you write applications that:
*Monitor streams of events to find particular events or patterns of events of interest.
*Analyze events (or patterns of events) of interest to determine whether some action is appropriate.
*Perform actions based on particular events or patterns of events.
This section discusses the main concepts you must understand to write applications in EPL.
Software AG Designer provides tutorials that can help you get started with EPL. On the Welcome page of Software AG Designer, click Tutorials under the Apama heading.
MonitorScript is the old name for EPL. You might still see the old name in the product documentation.