Creating and deleting instances using the Command Central web user interface
By default, the working directory of an instance is APAMA_HOME/command-central/instances/ComponentType/instance_name. All the log files including stdout and stderr are located in the instance_name/logs folder. The environment variables ${APAMA_WORK} and ${APAMA_HOME} can be used inside extraArgs, iafConfigFile and log files, and this will be replaced with the location of those directories.
To create an instance
1. In the Environments pane, select the environment in which you want to configure a product instance.
2. Click the Installations tab.
3. Select the installation to create an instance. For example, Local.
4. Click the Instances tab.
5. Click and select the Apama component. 6. Enter the instance properties and click Next.
7. Click Finish.
to view the instance under the
Instances tab.
To delete an instance
1. In the
Instances tab, select the instance and click
2. Click Finish.