Deploying EPL plug-ins written in Java
To deploy and run your EPL plug-in written in Java outside
Software AG Designer1. Start a correlator with Java enabled:
correlator –j other_options
2. Inject the plug-in JAR file:
engine_inject –j plugin_name.jar
Apama loads each plug-in class defined in the deployment descriptor file and makes them available to be imported into EPL code.
The classes in the plug-in's JAR file cannot also exist (have the same packaging and name) anywhere else on the classpath. If they do, it causes the plug-in to fail to load.
When you start the correlator, you can pass properties and options to the embedded JVM with the –J option. Specify the -J option with each property or option you want to specify.
For example, you can use this mechanism to specify a global classpath for the JVM with:
-J-Djava.class.path=path. Apama prepends its own internal classpath
.jar files to the path you specify. If you specify both the
CLASSPATH environment variable and a classpath on the correlator start-up command line, the classpath specified on the command line takes precedence. See also
Specifying the classpath in deployment descriptor files for information about specifying the classpath for each individual plug-in.