Apama 10.15.0 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing Apama Applications in EPL | Generating Documentation for Your EPL Code | Inserting ApamaDoc tags
Inserting ApamaDoc tags
ApamaDoc automatically generates documentation for EPL code constructs. To enhance the quality of the documentation, you can insert tags that let you provide and link to additional information. A tag begins with an @ symbol and is immediately followed by a name and other information. The following table describes the tags you can insert.
Use For
@author name
There are no restrictions on the name. It can span multiple lines. It is ended by the start of the next tag.
Events, monitors, and custom aggregate functions
@deprecated [ description ]
The optional description can be anything pertinent to the deprecated construct. For example, you might want to suggest a newer equivalent or provide a reason for the deprecation.
All code constructs
@emits eventRef [ description ]
Documents events that are emitted. eventRef specifies a link to an event definition. The optional description can be anything pertinent to the emitting of the event. See Inserting ApamaDoc references.
Actions and their enclosing types
@enqueues eventRef [ description ]
Documents events that are enqueued. eventRef specifies a link to an event definition. The optional description can be anything pertinent to the enqueueing of the event. See Inserting ApamaDoc references.
Actions and their enclosing types
@listens eventRef [ description ]
Documents events that are being listened for. eventRef specifies a link to an event definition. The optional description can be anything pertinent to the event listener. See Inserting ApamaDoc references.
Actions and their enclosing types
@param codeRef [ description ]
Documents arguments to actions and custom aggregate functions. codeRef specifies the parameter name. The description should be a sentence describing the purpose of the parameter and any constraints on the permitted values that may be specified.
Actions and custom aggregate functions
Hides constructs from ApamaDoc. On a line by itself, immediately precede the construct that you do not want to generate documentation for with the following:
/** @private */
All code constructs
@returns description
Documents the return value of an action or custom aggregate function. The description should be a sentence describing the purpose of the return value, and any pertinent information about the possible values that may be returned. Note that for backwards compatibility reasons @return is maintained as an alias for @returns.
Actions and custom aggregate functions
@routes eventRef [ description ]
Documents events that are being routed. eventRef specifies a link to an event definition. The optional description can be anything pertinent to the routing of the event. See Inserting ApamaDoc references.
Actions and their enclosing types
There are three forms of this tag. Each form documents a relationship between a code fragment and some other information.
@see "description"
Lets you insert text that explains the relationship.
@see codeRef description
Lets you reference an EPL code construct and describe the relationship between this construct and that construct. codeRef specifies a link to some other EPL code. See Inserting ApamaDoc references.
@see <a href="url">linkText</a> [description]
Lets you specify an HTML link to an external resource. Optionally, you can add more information.
All code constructs
@sends eventRef [ description ]
Documents events that are sent to a channel. eventRef specifies a link to an event definition. The optional description can be anything pertinent to the sending of the event to a channel. See Inserting ApamaDoc references.
Actions and their enclosing types
@since version
Documents when a code construct was introduced. Replace version with a particular version number, for example, 9.9.
All code constructs
@spawns actionRef [ description ]
Lets you document the lifecycle of a monitor. actionRef specifies a link to an action definition. See Inserting ApamaDoc references.
Actions and their enclosing types
@throws [ description ]
Documents exceptions which may be thrown from an action and the conditions which would cause the action to throw an exception.
@version version
Lets you specify a version of the current incarnation of this code. Replace version with a particular version number, for example, 9.9.
Events, monitors, custom aggregate functions, and import statements