Apama 10.15.0 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Working with IAF Plug-ins | Transport Plug-in Development in Java | The transport plug-in development specification for Java | Communication with the codec layer | Sending upstream messages received from a codec plug-in to a sink
Sending upstream messages received from a codec plug-in to a sink
When a codec plug-in has encoded an event ready for transmission by a transport plug-in it will pass it on calling the transport's sendTransportEvent method (as defined above). It is then up to the transport plug-in to process the message (which will be of some type agreed by the codec and transport plug-in authors), and send it on to the external sink it provides access to.
Note that there are no guarantees about which threads might call this method, so plug-in authors will need to consider thread synchronization issues carefully.
If there is a problem sending the event on, the transport plug-in should throw a TransportException.