Apama 10.15.0 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Correlator-Integrated Support for the Java Message Service (JMS) | Using the Java Message Service (JMS) | Getting started with simple correlator-integrated messaging for JMS | Adding JMS receivers
Adding JMS receivers
Configuring receiver event mappings
Using conditional expressions
JMS receivers are added to JMS connections.
*To add a JMS receiver to a project
1. In the Project Explorer, double-click the project's correlator-integrated adapter for JMS instance. This opens the instance configuration in Apama's adapter editor.
2. Select the desired JMS connection.
3. In the Static receivers section, click the Add destination button (Plus icon).
This adds a receiver with a default name to the Name column and a default type (queue) to the Type column.
4. If desired, you can edit the value in the Name column. You can edit the value in the Type column by clicking the value and selecting a new type from the drop-down list at the right.
After you have configured the JMS receivers for each queue or topic of interest, you need to configure how the received JMS messages will be mapped to Apama events.