Using the Introduction form
The Introduction form appears when the wizard first starts, as well as when you add a new configuration. It allows you to specify a description for the dashboards, a query for which to generate the dashboards, and a color scheme for the dashboards. It also allows you to specify the types of dashboards to generate.
The Introduction form has the following editable components:
Description: Enter an optional text description of the current dashboard-generation configuration.
Query: Select the query for which the dashboards are to be generated. The visualization objects of the generated dashboards are attached to data from the specified query variables.
This drop down menu is disabled if your project has no queries. After you import or create a a query, click on the icon next to the drop down menu to refresh the contents.
Scheme: Select an item from the drop down list in order to control either the dashboard background color or the fill color of visualization objects and forms in the dashboards.
Select pages: Click the checkbox for each type of dashboard that you want to be generated.
Main: First dashboard page that the end user sees in each session. Contains buttons that allow the end user to open other dashboards.
Create: Allows end users to create new query instances.
Edit: Allows end users to edit the selected query instance.
Details: Provides a detailed view of query instances.