Correlator connections
You can configure this correlator (the target) to receive events from a specified source correlator. The source correlator is identified by its host and port. The target correlator will receive events from the specified channels of the source correlator.
Examples when executing on Command Central
To create the APAMA-ENGINE-CONNECT configuration for a correlator instance:
sagcc create configuration data local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
APAMA-ENGINE-CONNECT -i correlator-connection-config.xml
To update the APAMA-ENGINE-CONNECT configuration for a correlator instance:
sagcc update configuration data local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
APAMA-ENGINE-CONNECT-localhost-15993 -i correlator-connection-config.xml
To delete the APAMA-ENGINE-CONNECT configuration for a correlator instance:
sagcc delete configuration data local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
Example format of the XML file for a correlator instance:
<Endpoint alias="">
<Property name="channels">c1</Property>
<Property name="mode">legacy</Property>
<Property name="disconnectOnSlow">true</Property>