Apama 10.15.0 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Working with IAF Plug-ins | Monitoring Adapter Status | Returning information from the getStatus method
Returning information from the getStatus method
The adapter's transport and codec getStatus methods periodically update status information. The transport and codec send this information to the IAFStatusManager.
To take advantage of the IAFStatusManager for an adapter written in Java, the adapter author should implement the getStatus method so that it returns an ExtendedTransportStatus or ExtendedCodecStatus object. These objects include a Properties parameter, statusInfo, which contains custom information about the adapter. See the API Reference for Java (Javadoc) for detailed information on the ExtendedTransportStatus and ExtendedCodecStatus classes.
For adapters written in C or C++, the adapter author should implement the getStatus function to include the statusDictionary in an AP_EventTransportStatus or AP_EventCodecStatus structure. See the API Reference for C++ (Doxygen) for detailed information on the AP_EventTransportStatus and AP_EventCodecStatus structures.
The IAFStatusManager then forwards the information to registered consumers of that transport or codec's status information in the form of a dictionary added to the AdapterUp event.
In the following example, the custom status information for VERSION and CONNECTION is included in the information returned by the getStatus method:
public static final String TRANSPORT_VERSION="1";
protected long connGeneration;
public TransportStatus getStatus()
     Properties properties=new Properties();
     properties.setProperty("VERSION", TRANSPORT_VERSION);
     return new ExtendedTransportStatus("OK", numReceived, numSent,
For more information on specifying the CONNECTION property, see Asynchronously notifying IAFStatusManager of connection changes.