Apama 10.15.0 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Correlator-Integrated Support for the Java Message Service (JMS) | Using the Java Message Service (JMS) | Designing and implementing applications for correlator-integrated messaging for JMS | Using the correlator input log with correlator-integrated messaging for JMS
Using the correlator input log with correlator-integrated messaging for JMS
The correlator input log can be used in applications that use most correlator-integrated messaging for JMS features including sending, receiving and listening for status events. The input log will include a record of all events that were received from JMS so there is no need for JMS to be explicitly enabled with the --jmsConfig option when performing replay. Instead, the resulting input log can be extracted and used in the normal way, without the --jmsConfig option. Attempting to perform replay with correlator-integrated messaging for JMS is not supported and is likely to fail, especially with reliable receivers in a persistent correlator.
Note that the "dynamic" capabilities of correlator-integrated messaging for JMS do not currently work in a replay correlator (because an EPL plug-in is used behind the scenes), so if you need to retain the possibility of using an input log you must not use dynamic senders and receivers or call the JMSSender.getOutstandingEvents() method.