Apama 10.15.0 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Standard IAF Plug-ins | The Database Connector IAF Adapter (ADBC) | Configuring the Apama database connector | Configuring an ADBC adapter | Configuring ADBC Automatic Database Close
Configuring ADBC Automatic Database Close
The ADBC adapter performs a connectivity check when a JDBC or ODBC error is encountered, and can be configured to automatically perform the database close operation if a connection is found to be invalid. The IAF status manager will detect the database connection has been closed and report the change in connection status. Applications need to monitor the database connection status in order to take advantage of the automatic closing; this functionality is not integrated into the ADBC APIs.
The ADBC adapter configuration property CloseDatabaseIfDisconnected is used to enable the closing of databases that are detected as invalid.
*False: Default. Don't perform automatic closing.
*True: Close databases detected as invalid (that is, disconnected) .