Adding the connectivity bundles
You can easily add connectivity bundles, either to a new Apama project or to an existing Apama project. You can do this in
Software AG Designer or using the
apama_project tool. For more information, see
Adding connectivity and adapter bundles to projects and
Creating and managing an Apama project from the command line.
To get started quickly, we recommend that you import the genericsendreceive sample as a project into Software AG Designer. This is a simple generic EPL application for sending and receiving test messages, for use with any connectivity plug-in. You can find it in the samples/connectivity_plugin/application directory of your Apama installation. See the README.txt file in that directory for detailed information on how to import and run this sample.
With the above sample, you can add one or more connectivity bundles to the project.
You configure a connectivity plug-in by editing the properties and YAML files that come with the connectivity bundle.