Apama 10.15.0 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.7.2 | Connectivity plug-ins enhancements in 10.7.2
Connectivity plug-ins enhancements in 10.7.2
Apama 10.7.2 includes the following connectivity plug-ins enhancements:
HTTP server
*You can now change the timeout value for a connection using the new keepAliveTimeSecs configuration option. See also Configuring the HTTP server transport.
Cumulocity IoT
*SendSMS events now always pick the latest defaults for the sender name and sender address from the tenant options. It is no longer required to restart the correlator. See also Configuring the Cumulocity IoT transport.
JSON codec
*The filterOnContentType configuration option for JSON codec now accepts parameters in the metadata.contentType. Therefore, the filter pattern has been updated from "^application/([^/][+])?json$" to "^application/([^/]*[+])?json(;[^=;]+=(\".*\"|[^=;]+))*$". See also The JSON codec connectivity plug-in.