Apama 10.15.0 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.3.1 | Removed and deprecated features in 10.3.1
Removed and deprecated features in 10.3.1
The following Apama features are now deprecated or have been removed in Apama 10.3.1:
*The MapHelper class (com.softwareag.connectivity.MapHelper in the Java API and com::softwareag::connectivity::MapHelper in the C++ API) is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the MapExtractor class instead. This class provides an easy and type-safe way to extract values from maps such as those used for plug-in configuration. It has automatic support for generating user-friendly error messages if configuration items are missing or of the wrong type.
In the Java API, the com.softwareag.connectivity.util.MapExtractor class is available since version 10.0. See the API Reference for Java (Javadoc) for further information.
In the C++ API, the com::softwareag::connectivity::MapExtractor class is available since version 10.1. See the API Reference for C++ (Doxygen) for further information.
*The ADBC reconnection policy constants RECONNECT and RECONNECT_AND_CLEAR_REQUEST_QUEUE, which can be defined in the ADBCHelper API, are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It is recommended that you use any of the other policy constants as appropriate (that is, either DO_NOT_RECONNECT or RECONNECT_AND_RETRY_LAST_REQUEST). See also Reconnection settings.
*Log4j 1.2 is now deprecated and support for it will be removed in a future release. For now, the Apama Java client libraries in ap-util.jar and ap-client.jar continue to support Log4j 1.2, but can now alternatively write to Log4j 2 if the Log4j-1-to-2 bridge log4j-1.2-api-2.x.jar is added to the classpath before those jars.