Apama 10.15.0 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.1 | EPL enhancements in 10.1
EPL enhancements in 10.1
Apama 10.1 includes the following EPL enhancements:
*A new EPL method integer.incrementCounter(string) is now available. It can be used to generate a monotonically increasing integer for the corresponding string key passed as a function argument in the scope of the correlator. This is a type method as well as an instance method.
*A new EPL method context.iqSize() is now available. It can be used to return an integer that is the current number of elements in the input queue for the context.
*All string literals in EPL injections are now interned automatically. Interned strings are now also persisted if the correlator is persistent. This removes the need to inject monitors for the sole purpose of interning string constants.