Apama 10.15.0 | Release Notes | What's New in Apama 10.11.0 | Java upgrade in 10.11.0
Java upgrade in 10.11.0
This release of Apama comes with a Java 11 JDK instead of Java 8. All Java code executed within the correlator and IAF processes is now executed with Java 11, so you may need to make changes to your EPL plug-ins, connectivity plug-ins, IAF plug-ins, JMON applications, etc. that run inside the correlator or IAF.
If you build separate client processes that use the Apama APIs from ap-client.jar, a Java 8 runtime can still be used if you wish. However, this is deprecated and it is recommended that you migrate to using a Java 11 runtime when possible.
If you are using the "core components" version of the Apama Community Edition, then you must now provide a Java 11 runtime for use with Apama instead of Java 8.
There are plenty of great resources on the internet for finding out how to upgrade from Java 8 to Java 11, and lists of breaking changes between these versions. In practice, the main effort is likely to be upgrading any third-party libraries to Java 11-supporting versions, and adding additional libraries to replace some of the packages removed from the runtime itself (for example, JAXB). Java now uses a different default garbage collector (G1GC instead of the parallel garbage collector) which may result in different memory behavior.
The default locale data provider was changed (to the Unicode Consortium's CLDR), which may result in dates, times and numbers that used to parse successfully now being rejected. See the Java documentation for details of how to configure the Java locale data provider.