Apama 10.15.0 | Other Resolved Issues | Release 10.3.0 | Connectivity and Adapters
Connectivity and Adapters
OutOfMemoryError in JMS XPath due to Saxon-B TinyTree averageNamespaces bug after processing large number of messages.XPath expressions evaluated by JMS mapping/conditional rules could lead to a sudden out of memory condition as a result of an integer overflow in the library used. This error would only manifest after a very large number of XPath evaluations (close to 2^31), so in practice would only be seen after at least several 10s of millions of messages had been received. This issue has now been resolved.
Correlator shutdown hangs indefinitely if HTTP client requests are outstanding.
If the remote HTTP server starts to time out before the correlator is shut down, then the HTTP client request times out for any queued or current requests. This HTTP client request timeout can take a long time. This issue has been fixed. Now, the HTTP client request will go through only one timeout, and then ignore all of the other queued requests.